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Earthquake Nepal

by Anke De Boeck |

On the 25th of April, a devastating earthquake hit Nepal.

As you know, we work together with local farmers in Nepal. In cooperation with our partner organizations in Nepal, we have embarked on the sustainable collection of wild growing Himalayan herbal ingredients, as well as organic cultivation of herbs used in the CÎME products, such as Palmarosa, Chamomile and Edelweiss. These herbal ingredients are processed locally. In addition, we are also supporting the “Little Doctors” schooling project, active in the north of the country.

The earthquake is the largest to hit Nepal since 1934 and already has caused significant destruction and loss of life. The epicenter of the earthquake was located around 80 kilometers from the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu. Accessibility to remote areas surrounding Kathmandu is a major challenge, hampering search and rescue and relief efforts. At least 3,700 people have been killed, with thousands more injured. At least 15 aftershocks, ranging from magnitude 5 to 6.6, caused further damage to buildings and increased the risk of collapse. Electricity and telephone connectivity is intermittent and mobile services are experiencing heavy congestion. Hospitals continue to function but are stretched to the limits.

We received news from our partners and friends in Nepal. In the region of Humla, where the school project takes place, everybody is safe because this region was not hit. Our friends from Nepal Trust, that organize the school project, were in Kathmandu when the earthquake hit. They informed us that they and their families are doing well and are safe. However, we have not yet received any news from our other partners and friends in Nepal.

To support the victims, you can make a donation on the account number of Red Cross-Flanders BE 53 0000-0000-5353, with the announcement “Nepal”.

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