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Visiting Nepal Part 2: farmers projects

by Anke De Boeck |

Walter, Anke's father and co-founder of CÎME, recently visited Nepal, the country where he has worked for many years and where he lost his heart. Read his travel report here! 


After visiting the “little doctors” projects, we were able to witness the harvest of the dhatelo berries around Simikot. This "olive" of the Himalayas was previously used by the locals as an oil for the preparation of meals. However, this required a devious process whereby the seeds were first removed from the flesh, then dried, and then pressed with a stone into oil.

Since last year, a small electric press has been installed through our project, which makes the work much easier. From 100 kg of seeds, about 30 liters of oil can be squeezed. You can find this ingredient in our "Recette de Pureté", "Huile by CÎME" and the new "Green Tea Therapy" body lotion.

Dhatelo has a very good protective, softening effect on the skin and also gives a nice shine to your skin and hair.


Chiuri butter

From the sunny Nepalganj we drove to the valley of Surkhet, where we visited the women who collect the chiuri seeds for us to prepare the chiuri butter, also called "butternut".


The women gather the fruits in the morning. This is also a moment for them to be together. The flesh of the chiuri fruits is fermented into a local beer, and the seeds are squeezed into a vegetable butter. This butter protects and softens the skin.


The chiuri tree is a beautiful, green tree that grows at about 1000 meters height in the Himalayas. It often grows on steep slopes and therefore helps to protect against erosion.


This trip to Nepal was once again an absolute delight. It was nice to see our local partners again and to see that our projects are a great succes!

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